A Hard-Nosed Look At The Risks And Benefits Of Penile Implants
If breast enhancements and implants were the buzz in the sex world during the 80's or 90's, today penile implants are a hot topic in online forums and discussion boards. However, much of the details about penile implants online are at best, shoddy or unreliable, while there are health organisations who do provide reliable information on how the procedure is done, and what the benefits or risks are. Here's a hard-nosed, no-nonsense look at the risks a and perks of penile implants.What's A Penile Implant?
Whether you feel like you need something to boost your sagging sex life, or you'd just like to enhance your prowess in bed, and make your girlfriend, or your favourite ladies at Brisbane Escort Girls, happy and satisfied, then you should take a closer, more serious look at penile implants.
According to sexual health experts, penile implants are actually materials that are surgically-placed inside the penis, in order for it to effectively sustain an erection. While penile implants are commonly used for erectile dysfunction, they can also be a solution to irregularities like Peyronie's Disease, which is characterised by a bent and painful penis.
What Are The Types Of Penile Implants?
According to most health and sex experts, there are two types of penile implants – inflatable and semi-rigid rod implants. Inflatable penile implants are considered the most popular today, and this is where two inflatable cylinders are inserted into the penis, with a reservoir in the scrotum.
The cylinders can then be expanded or inflated, as well as deflated at will, in order to create an erection. What's good about inflatable implants is that they can be easily controlled through using a hand-held pump, and they have a lower risk of causing internal damage too, because the inflations are not constant.
For semi-rigid rod penile implants, costs are considerably lower than inflatable penile implants, thus making hem a popular and cost-effective option for a lot of guys, because it uses permanently-stiff material which is implanted in the penis.
The semi-rigid rods can be bent up or down, yet the penis remains firm. But for those who wish to consider this type of penile implant, remember that the constant pressure of the rod inside the penis can lead to higher risks of internal damage.
What Are The Most Common Penile Implant Procedures?
Penis enlargement surgery experts also stress that the process can be broken down into two more specific processes or procedures - penis lengthening and widening. In penis lengthening, the length of the shaft is increased by around one to two inches, and is done by pulling apart the part of the penis that's inside of the body toward the outside.
Penis widening is achieved through the use of donor skin grafts, or the person's own fat injections. Both procedures are considered safe and permanent, and are done to enhance the cosmetic look of the penis, as well as ensure sexual satisfaction for both partners.
Like any other procedure, there are complications associated with penile implants too, and these include scar tissue formation, infection and uncontrolled bleeding. But if you got a really good doctor, then don't worry, because you'll pretty soon say goodbye to stuff like erectile dysfunction, and you'll have a smoother time in bed with your spouse, or favourite Asian Escorts Brisbane!
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